MediaNet Calendar

Shown below are cities in which one or more of our representatives will be in the coming months. If you would like to take advantage of our services (at reduced travel fees) while we are in your area please contact us.

The colors below indicate the status of a particular date.


Open Date


Travel Day
(Possibly Available)


Private Event
(NOT OPEN to the Public)


Public Event
(OPEN to the Public)


Vistage / TEC Event
(CEO’s Only)

– Some Private Events and/or Vistage / TEC Events may allow a “visitor” to audit or evaluate a session. Call to check on this possibility.
– Certain Public Events, such as tradeshows or conferences, may include a registration fee or charge to attend. Check any links shown.
– Dates that indicate “meetings” are usually flexible and can be rescheduled to accommodate specific requests. Call to discuss availability.
– Dates that indicate “Pending” (including possible city) represent requests that have yet to be confirmed due to other scheduling priorities.
– In some situations, part of an indicated Travel day may be available, depending on itinerary. Call to check details.
– To see DETAILS of any event (description, address, website, map, etc.) just double-click on the event name.

  • 01

    New Year's Day

    All day