Digital Coaching

Digital Coaching delivers a personal, detailed and highly-consistent learning session based on an online observation of a person’s presentation. The online observation can be done through a visual delivery where a presenter delivers content, while visible (either in real-time through a web-camera or pre-recorded on video). Sessions can also be done as content-only delivery, where a presenter gives a slide presentation in the form of a webinar, but the presenter is not visible. Or, the session can be a content review where a presentation is discussed and analyzed for consistency, as a prelude to a follow-on session where the presenter practices the delivery.




A Digital Coaching session is typically done in REAL-TIME where the presenter sits at a computer and shares the desktop using an online meeting tool such as Zoom, WebEx, Skypeor GoTo Meeting, (or other format that allows desktop display of content). The meeting tool allows for a web-cam, so that the presenter can be seen and all skills related to content and delivery, including body language, can be assessed. This is perfect for presentation situations where a presenter will be speaking to a group and wants to practice the presentation in advance. The interaction is in real-time and a session lasts one hour.

Or, a presentation can be pre-recorded and the VIDEO can be reviewed during the digital coaching session to point out the various challenges and opportunities associated with the recorded event. The presenter sends a video (5-30 minutes) of a recent presentation; or sends a link to a video clip (such as a YouTube video). The coach controls the video playback (to allow for starting and stopping at key intervals) and shares the desktop with the presenter to analyze the video. See our guidelines for how to prepare and send a short video recording of a presentation. This is excellent for presenters who record a portion of a live presentation for analysis, as the coach gains the ability to observe audience reactions and interactions during the event.

Optionally, Digital Coaching can also be used to TRAIN a person on how to use a specific video conferencing tool. For example, with the proliferation of remote interaction, business professionals, instructors, and others may need to build effective online skills with products such as Zoom, WebEx, Skypeor GoTo Meeting, (or other format that allows remote interaction), in order to manage meeting efficiently.



At times, a presenter may want to practice the online delivery of content, such as a webinar, where the presenter talks through content but is not seen by the audience. For this type of digital coaching session the presenter sits at a PC and only shares the desktop using an online meeting tool such as Zoom, WebEx, or GoTo Meeting, (or other format that allows desktop display of content). The presenter steps-through the online presentation while being coached on content, vocal delivery and interaction. Since the presenter is not visible, everything except body language can be assessed.

A content-only delivery session covers the presenter’s opening comments, flow of ideas, slide design challenges, use of stories, examples, analogies and other delivery aspects that affect the presentation.

This is a perfect coaching venue for those who wish to review a presentation a few days before the event; or, for those who do webinars and want to assess their online effectiveness.



Most presenters plan for two Digital Coaching sessions: one for reviewing content to get ideas on how to optimize the design elements; and, the other for practicing the visual delivery of the streamlined content, For a content review, the presenter sits at a computer and only shares the desktop using an online meeting tool such as ZoomWebEx, or GoTo Meeting, (or other format that allows desktop display of content). The presenter steps-through the presentation as the coach offers advice as to how to make the slide content more “presentable”

The goal is to make sure that presentation slides are VIEWABLE, not READABLE. That is, the slide content should only contain enough viewable information for the audience to reach a starting point for understanding, relying mostly on the speaker to fill-in the logic of the underlying message. If the slide is designed as readable, then it likely can stand alone, not requiring a speaker. Readable slides function better as handouts.

In some cases, the content review relates to visual support that cannot be redesigned (such as a webiste, or software program), In those situations, the digital coaching focuses more on navigation techniques (guiding the eye of the audience) and other logical choices to make the delivery more predictable.



As part of a Digital Coaching “delivery” session, one of our skills assessment tools are used. The STANDARD EVALUATION is used for a presenter who can be seen and has visual support; the SPEECH-ONLY EVALUATION is used for a speaker who can be seen but has no visual support; and, the the WEBINAR evaluation is used for a presenter who has visual support but cannot be seen.