The following document files contain the support information for the identified MediaNet seminars, along with other supplemental items related to presentation skills.
Here’s a quick list of links to our handout materials
We do not provide copies of the actual PowerPoint presentations used in our seminars, since they are designed for the sole purpose of supporting a speaker. The simplicity of our visuals would offer little guidance as a handout. Therefore, our seminar handouts are in narrative format, containing multiple pages and reading like a book. The narrative handouts are provided free of charge and are designed to offer a general summary of the key points made in each of the lectures.
Most of the handouts do not contain any reproductions of the images used in our seminars. However, some of our handouts are available on request (free of charge) with complete visual support and full-color images. Also, our products (books, media formats, etc.) do contain many of the visuals used in the seminars.
When hosting one of our Electrifying Presentations seminars, an organization may choose to download and print the related handouts (topics) for an intended audience prior to the event. Next to each handout filename, we indicate the approximate file size and the number of pages, and any notes about the file. The page count helps if you are considering making a handout booklet for a group and you want to know how many pages the booklet will contain, based on the number of topics you include.
The contents of each document, below, are described briefly and the files are stored in PDF format. If you select one of these files and you have a copy of ADOBE READER (Version 5.0 or better) installed on your computer, the file you selected will open automatically. Depending on your computer configuration and file associations, the PDF will either open directly in your web browser’s acrobat viewer utility; or, the file will open on your computer using your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. In either case, you can then review, print, or download the file.
If you do not have the ADOBE READER program, you can download a FREE COPY by clicking on the following icon.
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NOTE: Each file attempts to open WITHIN your browser, using the ADOBE READER software VIEWER associated with your web browser. While reviewing the document, you can also download or print using the reader icons. After reviewing and/or saving the file, if you want to look at additional documents, simply use your browser’s BACK button to return to this page (Seminar Handouts), which lists the files. If you do happen to CLOSE the screen that displays the contents of one of these files, you will be closing your browser at the same time.
All information contained in these files is the copyright of MediaNet, Inc. The files can be downloaded from this website for one-time use by a single individual. The information in these files cannot be copied, re transmitted, or redistributed in any means without the express, written permission of MediaNet, Inc.
Click on a filename to download:
THE MESSAGE IS THE MESSAGE – Message.pdf (42 KB) – 8 pages
This handout supports our lecture that concentrates on the scripting of a message. Discover the key elements of content development based on character, construction and consistency. Learn to appeal to the “external” characteristics of your audience, tap emotions using motivators, develop a tangible call to action, and select the proper type of script to ensure that your message creates impact.
ON THE BIG SCREEN – BigScreen.pdf (38 KB) – 6 pages
This handout supports our lecture that teaches the basics of designing effective visuals by adhering to the important principles of Purpose, Movement and Color. You will learn to build presentations that follow a central theme, use graphics to control eye movement, and rely on the power of color. This handout also includes guidelines for increasing attention span per visual, as well as other techniques for planning and assembling powerful presentations.
This handout supports our lecture ON THE BIG SCREEN demonstrating a progression of steps to enhance a sample TEXT CHART to make it easier to view and easier to present. NOTE: This is a full-color handout with visual content to show the design changes.
VISUALLY SPEAKING – VSpeaking.pdf (53 KB) – 8 pages
This handout supports our lecture that emphasizes personal delivery styles and the mechanics of presenting. You will learn the power of body language, eye contact, and theatrical gestures for enhancing your personal effectiveness and style, including the techniques needed to maintain control of the audience through planned movement, key body angles, balanced gestures, and proper phrasing. The result is a practical, easily-applied approach designed to increase the delivery skills of those who communicate to groups of any size.
UP CLOSE and PERSONAL – UpClose.pdf (29 KB) – 3 pages
In this handout we translate presentation skills from a stand-up environment to a one-to-one setting, with a focus on non-verbal skills. This information will show you how to make presentations across the desk, around the conference table, and over lunch, with tips on power seating, body language, positioning, perspective, props, room layout, and other visual tactics.
Comprehensive version — available on request (free of charge).
– (2MB) – 23 pages, visually supported with full-color images.
NEGOTIATION SKILLS – Comprehensive version ONLY — available on request (free of charge).
– (2MB) – 24 pages, visually supported with full-color images
In this visually-supported handout we combine the one-to-one non-verbal skills of small-group communication, with a focus on negotiation tactics to establish a win-win scenario. This information will show you how to distinguish between persuasion and negotiation, based on relationships and results. All of the non-verbal skills apply as in small-group settings, focusing on body language, seating positions, visual perspective and the intricate use of props and spaces.
SEEKING SIMILARITY – Similarity.pdf (51 KB) – 8 pages
This handout discusses ways of making your message appeal to your entire audience, regardless of each member’s cultural background, job function, or level within an organization. You will learn how “conflict” and “relationship” are used to unify the diverse elements found within any group. This handout also includes a GRID to help you understand how to recognize a consistent pattern using a particular communication strategy.
MULTIMEDIA VS. MULTIMANIA – Multimedia-mania.pdf (38 KB) – 6 pages
Multimedia is now at our fingertips, creating the potential for sensory overload. This handout covers the tricks of creating multimedia presentations that do not overwhelm the message and the presenter, including how to use sound, video, animation, and linear and non-linear navigation. In addition, learn the secrets of delivering an effective multimedia presentation including timing, interaction, order, technical run-throughs, and on-site preparation.
PICTURE YOURSELF ON TV – PictureTV.pdf (42 KB) – 7 pages
This handout supports our seminar which focuses on the effective skills for virtual conferencing as we openly embrace remote visual communication. As video pushes to the forefront of electronic communication — whether it’s a group videoconference or an individual Zoom meeting — talking to a camera is quickly becoming a casual occurrence. The power of television production mixed with the real-time issues of face-to-face communication are discussed along with how to work within the frame of the camera, how to use subtle movements to make powerful points, how to create meaning with facial expressions, and what to do when glitches happen.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! – Lights-Camera.pdf (39 KB) – 5 pages
This handout supports our seminar which focuses on the environment that surrounds your presentation. The more you understand the physical arrangements of the room, the more you will use the power of technology to support your major events. Learn the conceptual and technical secrets of staging large presentations including lighting, sound, seating, and video. A room layout diagram is included which shows how to arrange the seating for a theatre-style event.
Supplemental Information
The documents below offer additional information related to the presentation skills.
ON PRESENTING – Reading.pdf (108 KB) – 1 page
Here are suggested sources for information about presenting. The list includes books, magazines, websites, etc. If you have found useful resources that you think would add value to our list, please let us know!
TEAMBUILDING through IMPROVISATION – TeamBuilding.pdf (121 KB) – 31 pages
This is a comprehensive listing of various improvisational activities, including warm-ups, exercises and handles, that enhance proficiency across more than 30 different delivery skills. Since the activities are designed for more than one person, creativity within a group is developed. This is especially useful for those who present in situations with multiple team members. For an interactive version of this document, complete with linked cross-references between specific skills and related activities, visit our Teambuilding page.
INTERACTIVE SKILLS ASSESSMENT – Presentation-Skills-Assessment-STANDARD-Evaluation.pdf (2MB) – 4 pages
Based on published research date, this interactive assessment tool measures 80 independent elements across 21 skill categories to arrive at levels of effectiveness for different audience types. Additional details related to other versions of these assessments can be found on our blog page Assessment Tools. For immediate access to this evaluation form, here is a link to the ONLINE version of the skills assessment.
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